A science journalist by training and a high school science teacher and college writing instructor by profession, I offered award-winning writing, literature, journalism and environmental studies courses for three decades at the University of California, Santa Cruz. I continue to lead workshops and retreats for field stations and outdoor education schools around the West.

I have a bachelor’s degree in biology from Harvard University and a graduate certificate in science communication from UC Santa Cruz. (See an older but informative article about the graduate program here.) My book What I Learned at Bug Camp: Essays on Finding a Home in the World was published in 2011 by Juniper Lake Press. I have contributed essays and poems to several anthologies, including Storming Heaven’s Gate, edited by Amber Coverdale Sumrall and Patrice Vecchione, and Nature, Love, Medicine & The Way of Natural History, both edited by Thomas Lowe Fleischner .

For more information, please see my resume and a further (partial) list of publications.